be a viking at bicolline video

Here is a link to my video “you should be a viking at Bicolline”

I hope this can be a resourceful video regarding dressing comfortable and easily for LARP!

Here is some practical advice on clothing, costumes, and kit, for my first-timer friends at Bicolline’s Grand Bataille! If you have any follow up questions, please leave them in the comments below and I’ll be happy to help. I am working on making a better kit for next year!


“Vikings and White Supremacism” by the Welsh Viking:

Sources: Vikings in the cold photo: 

Inspiration: The Welsh Viking on Youtube

This whole incredible historical find and interpretation site: Full Kit Resources:

Recommendations: (at least!)

- 5 or more linen tunics, Birka (I bought my lovely fabric on, 5.3 ounce, softened 5.3 ounce is lovely and there are many colors.)

- 1 wool tunic, Birka, Kragelund or Guddal (Nice wool fabric available on Etsy- I bought from TheWeavingShedUK)

- 2 pairs of wool winingas leg wraps (Find on Etsy, verify wool!)

- 3 pairs of loose linen or wool pants (I bought modern, but historical pattern with gusset would be better! Maybe harem pants?)

- 5 or more pairs of modern wool socks (I use Darn Tough's "Men's Light Hiker Micro Crew Lightweight Hiking Sock")

- 1 Skjoldehamn hood (Wool on outside, linen on inside. Waxing is optional but recommended!)

- 1 thin leather belt (if you have more than one, you'll be sliding all of your bags and dangly belt hangers off of one and onto the other every time. I have not yet found a viking belt I recommend, I might make one.) 

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